Solving mutually recursive elements with lazy loading with hooks and dynamic components
The goal
You have a recursive data structure you need to display in a way that matches the data hierarchy.
For example:
A file system, folders with arbitrary depth, and files.
A tree of comments.
A recipe that contains other recipes.
There are different ways to address this in Fulcro, depending on the concrete use case. Next, we will explore a particular one.
The concrete problem
You have recipes containing line items, which further contain either an ingredient or a sub-recipe. This nesting can go on arbitrarily. Think pizza with sauce → the sauce has sub-components. Sub-components, in turn, might have final ingredients (salt, oil, pepper). Line items also hold the element’s quantity qty
and unit of measure uom
. In other words, we have two mutually recursive elements - a recipe and its line item.
In this particular case, we also want to lazyload the sub-recipes so we don’t load the entire tree up front. That further complicates the usage of EQL recursive queries. (Though it could be achieved by leveraging a depth limit on the recursive query.)
Let’s look at the UI we want and the data we have:
And the data:
{:recipe/name "Pancake Batter" :recipe/id "1"
[{:rli/id "10" ; (1)
:rli/qty 4, :rli/uom "piece"
:rli/ingredient {:ingredient/name "Eggs", :ingredient/id "101"}}
{:rli/id "11"
:rli/qty 0.25, :rli/uom "kilo"
:rli/ingredient {:ingredient/name "Flour", :ingredient/id "102"}}
{:rli/id "12"
:rli/qty 0.5, :rli/uom "litre"
{:recipe/name "Yogurt" :recipe/id "2"
[{:rli/id "13"
:rli/qty 1, :rli/uom "litre"
:rli/ingredient {:ingredient/name "Milk", :ingredient/id "103"}}
{:rli/id "14"
:rli/qty 10, :rli/uom "gram"
:rli/ingredient {:ingredient/name "Yogurt Starter", :ingredient/id "104"}}]}}]}
:rli/ stands for :recipe-line-item/, for space efficiency
Exploring possible solutions
The standard solution to loading data for recursive components is to use a recursive query in EQL. It can load either the entire recursive tree or a particular number of levels. The EQL solution is the most straightforward and covers 95% of all cases.
A recursive EQL query for e.g. folders would look like this: [:folder/id :folder/name :folder/children …] (the … indicates the self-recursion).
However, some cases are just too complex to solve with EQL recursive queries. This approach requires that the same entity be present at each level of traversal, i.e. we have a single component that may contain itself. That is not the case here, where we have Recipe containing RecipeLineItem, containing Recipe … .
Option A: Flatten the data to get a self-recursive element
We could change our data model so that a recipe contains directly sub-recipes, for example by separating and storing separately the qty and uom data and the sub-recipes themselves:
{:recipe/name "Pancake Batter" :recipe/id "1"
:recipe/line-items [{:rli/qty 4 :rli/uom "piece"
:rli/ingredient {:ingredient/name "Eggs", :ingredient/id "101"}}
{:rli/qty 0.5 :rli/uom "litre" ; (1)
:rli/sub-recipe [:recipe/id "2"]}]
:recipe/sub-recipes [{:recipe/id "2" ; (2)
:recipe/name "Yogurt"
:recipe/line-items [...]}]}
The line-item information (uom, qty) for Yogurt
The Yogurt sub-recipe itself
Then inside the component you would join the two pieces of data together, at render time.
It might not be elegant, but it gets the job done.
Option B: Use a dynamic, hook-based component to load the sub-recipe
In this case, we have also the additional requirement of lazy loading of sub-recipes. We can solve both problems by using a dynamic component, i.e. one that is not part of the query tree but gets its data independently, via the use-component
Dynamic use-component components provide great flexibility, at the cost of increased complexity and decreased transparency (since the UI isn’t anymore a pure function of data, passed from the parent). |
What we will do is load a Recipe that has a RecipeLineItem that refers to a Recipe (just the ID and name, avoiding the problematic recursive line items). We then swap out the reference for a dynamically loaded entity when the user wants to see the details of the sub-recipe.
The solution
We will adopt solution B, using a dynamic hooks component.
Below we can see what the component instances will look like, for a recipe with three line items, where 1. is a collapsed sub-recipe, 2. is an expanded sub-recipe, and 3. is an ingredient:
Notice that the RecipeReference
component in its collapsed state only displays the name of the sub-recipe, while in its expanded state it renders a DynamicRecipe
component with the complete sub-recipe.
Below, on the left, we can see the "render tree" of components with their queries (actually, query fragments). The solid head arrows ▶ show both query inclusion and component nesting. On the right, we can see the corresponding data tree, and how it matches the query fragments (the hollow head arrows >).
Note: The queries have been abbreviated to save space. Thus, for instance, {:recipe/line-items R.L.I.}
should be read as {:recipe/line-items (comp/get-query RecipeLineItem)}
We now understand the structure of our components and the data tree, and can explore how the data is loaded:
We can see that the initial df/load!
only loads the id and name of the Yogurt sub-recipe. When the user expands it, it triggers an additional load, to fetch the remaining data of the recipe.
There could be a small complication with the on-demand loading of the sub-recipe. The reason is that the use-component hook is slightly tricky to use with something that has yet to be loaded, since it needs some data to exist in the client DB. I.e. <entity> <id> must not be undefined/nil, it must be at least an empty map (or rather, a map with an id). We could initialize the DynamicRecipe component via :initial-params together with specifying :initial-state for the Recipe so that the hook could then make an "empty" but properly identified placeholder in the database to hook up to while the load runs. I.e., use-component with :initial-params generates a {:recipe/id n} map and normalizes it (which puts the ident in place for finding it as well). Then the load gets issued. When the details arrive, you’ve got the full recipe.
Fortunately, in our case this is not required, because the parent recipe-line-item has already loaded the name and ID of the recipe in question (just not its line items).
Complete code
Finally, let’s look at some code! First of all, a few highlights. See the complete code listing at the bottom.
(defsc DynamicRecipe [this {:recipe/keys [id]}]
{:use-hooks? true} ; (1)
(let [recipe (hooks/use-component (comp/any->app this) Recipe ; (2)
{:initialize? false :ident [:recipe/id id]} ; (3)
#_ ; this below would have been necessary if
; DB - :recipe/id - <id> didn't exist already
{:initialize? true
:initial-params {:recipe/id id}
:keep-existing? true})]
;; Load could be hooked into "expand" mutation to remove side-effect from UI logic
(hooks/use-lifecycle (fn [] (df/load! this [:recipe/id id] Recipe))) ; (4)
(when recipe
(ui-recipe recipe))))
DynamicRecipe is a hooks-based component (1)
, which "fetches" data from the client DB via hooks/use-component
. Notice that we need to tell Fulcro its :ident
since the component has a dynamic one. In this case, we already know that there is some data for the ident in the client DB (namely id, name), so we do not need to initialize it. Alternatively, we could leave :initialize? true
(the default) but would then need to provide the :recipe/id
via :initial-params
, and perhaps also include :keep-existing? true
. Though in this particular case, our initialization would only be overriding :name
, and we are going to re-load it at once, so it doesn’t really matter.
As the component is mounted in the DOM, its use-lifecycle
will fire a df/load!
to load the remaining data. If we used a true remote server and a slower network, you could see that the expanded Recipe only has initially id, name, until the rest of the data arrives.
(defsc RecipeReference [this {:ui/keys [expand?]
:recipe/keys [id name]}]
{:ident :recipe/id
:query [:ui/expand? :recipe/id :recipe/name]}
(if expand?
(ui-dynamic-recipe {:recipe/id id})
(dom/span {:style {:cursor "pointer"}
:onClick (fn [] (m/toggle! this :ui/expand?))}
" ▶ " (dom/span {:style {:textDecoration "underline"}} name))))
RecipeReference displays either the name of the recipe when collapsed, or renders a DynamicRecipe when expanded.
Finally, here is the complete code listing:
(ns dynamic-recursion-cards
[cljs.core.async :as async]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[ :as df]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.mock-server-remote :refer [mock-http-server]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.react.hooks :as hooks]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes :as pci]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation :as pco]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.interface.async.eql :as p.a.eql]
[nubank.workspaces.card-types.fulcro3 :as ct.fulcro]
[nubank.workspaces.core :as ws]))
(defonce pretend-server-database
{:recipe/id {1 {:recipe/id 1
:recipe/name "Pancake Batter"
:recipe/line-items [{:recipe-line-item/id 10}
{:recipe-line-item/id 11}
{:recipe-line-item/id 12}]}
2 {:recipe/id 2
:recipe/name "Yogurt"
:recipe/line-items [{:recipe-line-item/id 13}
{:recipe-line-item/id 14}]}}
:ingredient/id {101 {:ingredient/id 101
:ingredient/name "Eggs"}
102 {:ingredient/id 102
:ingredient/name "Flour"}
103 {:ingredient/id 103
:ingredient/name "Milk"}
104 {:ingredient/id 104
:ingredient/name "Yogurt Starter"}}
:recipe-line-item/id {10 {:recipe-line-item/id 10
:recipe-line-item/qty 4
:recipe-line-item/uom :piece
:recipe-line-item/ingredient {:ingredient/id 101}}
11 {:recipe-line-item/id 11
:recipe-line-item/qty 0.25
:recipe-line-item/uom :kilo
:recipe-line-item/ingredient {:ingredient/id 102}}
12 {:recipe-line-item/id 12
:recipe-line-item/qty 0.5
:recipe-line-item/uom :litre
:recipe-line-item/sub-recipe {:recipe/id 2}}
13 {:recipe-line-item/id 13
:recipe-line-item/qty 1
:recipe-line-item/uom :litre
:recipe-line-item/ingredient {:ingredient/id 103}}
14 {:recipe-line-item/id 14
:recipe-line-item/qty 10
:recipe-line-item/uom :gram
:recipe-line-item/ingredient {:ingredient/id 104}}}}))
(pco/defresolver recipe-resolver [_ {:recipe/keys [id]}]
{::pco/input [:recipe/id]
::pco/output [:recipe/name {:recipe/line-items [:recipe-line-item/id]}]}
(get-in @pretend-server-database [:recipe/id id]))
(pco/defresolver recipe-line-item-resolver [_ {:recipe-line-item/keys [id]}]
{::pco/input [:recipe-line-item/id]
::pco/output [:recipe-line-item/qty
{:recipe-line-item/ingredient [:ingredient/id]}
{:recipe-line-item/sub-recipe [:recipe/id]}]}
(when-let [it (get-in @pretend-server-database [:recipe-line-item/id id])]
;; Provide default values so that Pathom won't complain about missing-attribute:
{:recipe-line-item/ingredient nil
:recipe-line-item/sub-recipe nil}
(pco/defresolver ingredient-resolver [_ {:ingredient/keys [id]}]
{::pco/input [:ingredient/id]
::pco/output [:ingredient/name]}
(get-in @pretend-server-database [:ingredient/id id]))
(pco/defresolver all-recipe-resolver [_ _]
{::pco/output [{:recipe/all [:recipe/id]}]}
(let [ids (keys (get @pretend-server-database :recipe/id))]
{:recipe/all (mapv (fn [id] {:recipe/id id}) ids)}))
(def resolvers [recipe-resolver recipe-line-item-resolver ingredient-resolver
(def default-env
(-> {:com.wsscode.pathom3.error/lenient-mode? true}
#_(p.plugin/register pbip/mutation-resolve-params) ; not needed here
(pci/register resolvers)))
(defn process-eql [eql]
(let [ch (async/promise-chan)]
(-> (p.a.eql/process default-env eql)
(.then #(async/go (async/>! ch %))))
(declare Recipe ui-recipe)
(defsc Ingredient [_this {:ingredient/keys [name]}]
{:ident :ingredient/id
:query [:ingredient/id :ingredient/name]}
(dom/span " " (str name)))
(def ui-ingredient (comp/factory Ingredient {:keyfn :ingredient/id}))
;; tag::dynamic-recipe[]
(defsc DynamicRecipe [this {:recipe/keys [id]}]
{:use-hooks? true} ; (1)
(let [recipe (hooks/use-component (comp/any->app this) Recipe ; (2)
{:initialize? false :ident [:recipe/id id]} ; (3)
#_ ; this below would have been necessary if
; DB - :recipe/id - <id> didn't exist already
{:initialize? true
:initial-params {:recipe/id id}
:keep-existing? true})]
;; Load could be hooked into "expand" mutation to remove side-effect from UI logic
(hooks/use-lifecycle (fn [] (df/load! this [:recipe/id id] Recipe))) ; (4)
(when recipe
(ui-recipe recipe))))
;; end::dynamic-recipe[]
(def ui-dynamic-recipe (comp/factory DynamicRecipe))
;; tag::recipe-ref[]
(defsc RecipeReference [this {:ui/keys [expand?]
:recipe/keys [id name]}]
{:ident :recipe/id
:query [:ui/expand? :recipe/id :recipe/name]}
(if expand?
(ui-dynamic-recipe {:recipe/id id})
(dom/span {:style {:cursor "pointer"}
:onClick (fn [] (m/toggle! this :ui/expand?))}
" ▶ " (dom/span {:style {:textDecoration "underline"}} name))))
;; end::recipe-ref[]
(def ui-recipe-reference (comp/factory RecipeReference {:keyfn :recipe/id}))
(defsc RecipeLineItem [_this {:recipe-line-item/keys [qty uom ingredient sub-recipe]}]
{:ident :recipe-line-item/id
:query [:recipe-line-item/id
{:recipe-line-item/ingredient (comp/get-query Ingredient)}
{:recipe-line-item/sub-recipe (comp/get-query RecipeReference)}]}
(dom/ul (str qty " " uom)
(if (not-empty ingredient)
(ui-ingredient ingredient)
(ui-recipe-reference sub-recipe))))
(def ui-line-item (comp/factory RecipeLineItem {:keyfn :recipe-line-item/id}))
(defsc Recipe [_this {:recipe/keys [name line-items]}]
{:initial-state (fn [{:recipe/keys [id]}] {:recipe/id id}) ; needed for dynamic use
:ident :recipe/id
:query [:recipe/id
{:recipe/line-items (comp/get-query RecipeLineItem)}]}
(dom/span {:style {:textDecoration "underline"}} (str name))
(mapv ui-line-item line-items))))
(def ui-recipe (comp/factory Recipe {:keyfn :recipe/id}))
(defsc RecipeList [this {:recipe-list/keys [recipes]}]
{:query [{:recipe-list/recipes (comp/get-query Recipe)}]
:ident (fn [] [:component/id ::RecipeList])
:initial-state {:recipe-list/recipes []}}
(dom/div {}
(when-not (seq recipes)
(dom/button {:onClick (fn []
(df/load this :recipe/all Recipe
{:target [:component/id
"Load all recipes"))
(mapv ui-recipe recipes))))
(ws/defcard dynamic-recursive-entity-card
{::ct.fulcro/wrap-root? true
::ct.fulcro/root RecipeList
::ct.fulcro/app (let [remote (mock-http-server {:parser process-eql})]
{:remotes {:remote remote}})}))